Tag / fan involvement
This is not just any old Christmas show…
This is an H&S Christmas show (at a former M&S… no less)! This Christmas, we’re super-happy to be working with Rich Warburton (Recognise this lovely face? Thought you would!) of Theatre in The Mill to bring a whole bunch of Christmas present wishes to life. What the Frock is H&S’s Secret Santa? Three things. 1)…
November 30, 2018 -
Hope and Social’s Secret Santa
in partnership with “Theatre In The Mill” Christmas is a special time for H&S. We always try and do something that’s special for us, and you… stuff like performing a singalong with 200 people on Leeds Town Hall steps and becoming a big-band, making an acoustic album and performing it as a one off set…
October 22, 2018 -
This Must Be The Place – Grassington
This Must Be The Place – Why? Do you have that one place in your hometown that when you’re there, you’re the most [insert your home town here] that you can be? The place that most speaks to you, that draws you home when you’re not home… a place and a time you shared with…
May 25, 2018 -
This Must Be The Place – R’n’D
This Must Be The Place Ah, Grassington. Lovely Grassington. Where would we all be without Grassington with your bleak moorside, chocolate box village square, dog and walker friendly country pubs and your AMAZING FESTIVAL!!! We’re working with the awesome Grassington Festival once more this year on a new project “This Must Be The Place”. We’ve…
May 4, 2018 -
FEEL – a song a week #4: Dig Hard
Dig Hard The Song Si: In our original set of demos for this album there was a song which we all agreed had a lovely melody, but not necessarily one we’d want on one of our albums. It was a little too MOR, even for us. It was certainly a strong melody but it just wasn’t…
November 16, 2016 -
Greenbelt – A Band Anyone Can Join
So… you wanna join the band… The summer is fast approaching… or we might have just had it, I can’t decide. Either way, the Hope and Social ‘Summer Festival Tour’ is most definitely upon us and on Monday 29th August we’re going to be donning our Hunter wellies and heading back to see our friends…
July 13, 2016 -
9 Videos for 9 Songs
We need YOU to make our next music video It is with great excitement that we’re putting a call out for film makers for our new album. We’ve poured heart and soul into our new record. It’s taken 3 years to get it to completion, we’ve lost and gained band members, we’ve talked and talked…
June 16, 2016 -
Autumn Tour 2015
I’ll Take a Tango Yessssss indeedy, after a fun-fueled, festival-tastic time over the summer (check out Jo Cox’s ace Underneath The Stars Festival pic over there on the right – jocoxphotography.co.uk), we’ve decided not to pack it all in and do something more important, but to hot-foot it around the UK one last time in…
September 10, 2015 -
Hope and Social’s Blunder Bus!
Part of the Tour de Yorkshire Festival blunderbuss noun 1. a short large-bored gun, flared at the muzzle so as to scatter shot widely. Literally ‘thunder gun’. 2. an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision. Rain coat? Check. Stamina? Check. Vocal Cords? Check. Massive bag of fun-nuts? Check.…
April 10, 2015 -
All Your Dancing Days
Hello, Howdy, Willkommen! —— The rumours are true, have no doubt. The Hope & Social ‘Show of un-rehearsed Shonk’ is making it’s way to a town near you next month. Why? Why the hell not???! We don’t need no new album to tour crazy fool!! We are hitting the road once again, beginning on the…
September 19, 2013 -
Hope and Social in Topless Seaside Shenanigans Shocker
We’re all going on a… busmans holiday – 4th September After numerous blogged and tweeted hints, Hope and Social are proud to announce our next “event”. Book it in now… We’re off to the seaside. To celebrate the end of summer, we’re holding another of the now (in)famous Hope and Social events. So far we’ve had…
July 19, 2010 -
Marching on Through – Jacket on Tour
And we’re off… As well as pissing around with getting the brass for Marching On Through (our crowd sousced lyric and vid song) recorded with the lovely brassers of Hope and Social… [vimeo 10307965] … you may recall, we’re asking good people to star in our forthcoming video project for Marching on Through… If not, well the premise…
March 22, 2010 -
Come Dine With Us – The Team
We’re very much looking forward to our Come Dine With Us event this month. Only 17 tickets to go as of this morning so book now if you’re coming! Hope and Social figured that we could hold a night for our fans in the studio where we’re recording our album, and ask fans to be…
March 16, 2010 -
Star in a Hope and Social video
Marching On Through – The story of a blue jacket We are sending one of our handsome blue jackets on tour. Who wants it first? [vimeo 9851747] The Background So it goes, we are in the studio recording album 2, writing a song about being part of Hope and Social, and I don’t mean just the band, but everyone involved, which…
March 8, 2010 -
Norwich City and The King of Spain
Rather brilliantly, and in a great example of fan activism, Steve Plunkett of Outline Magazine has managed to garner Hope and Social a rather unusual bit of attention. Steve’s spotted that a particular Norwich FC player by the name of Simon Lappin, due perhaps to his olive complexion and dark features has acquired himself the…
February 13, 2010