Glastonbury Beckons

Well, it’s quarter to 10 on Tuesday night and most of the packing is done, I’m about to embark on a round of pick ups at all the chaps houses and then, in 6 wee hours we’ll be getting up to head to Glastonbury.

It’s a lifetime ambition of mine, and for us all. Had a bit of a cry today as I looked at the rather great Halvin Glasto Clashfinder to see our name up in lights.

This weekend may not bring us fame and fortune, it most likely will not pay the bills, and probably wont even break even but we don’t care. This is a great opportunity to get in front of people we know, and people we don’t, and play at the largest music festival on earth (yep, it’s true).

Thanks to all you good people who’ve helped us this year, and for many years – you know who you are. Also, to those of you sending tweets, emails, pics, vids, and wishes, for the tour we’ve been on, and the shows we’re about to embark upon. Genuinely, if it wasn’t for you and the likes of you lovelies, we may not have made it through this year to date, let alone be playing Glastonbury. Keep fighting the good fight for us, spread the word. You truly are the “Hope” of Hope and Social, thank you.

Our sets are:

Thursday – Worthy FM  at 2-30pm. You can listen online at mms:// or via Glastonbury’s Worthy FM Page

Friday – Queens Head Stage – 3-30pm

Saturday – Acoustic Stage – 2pm

Both live sets are full band (with 4 piece brass section) so please, if you know anyone who’ll be around, send ’em our way, we intend to have a ball!

There’s the possibilty of some media coverage too, so keep your red buttons pressed, radio sets tuned, but most importantly keep your eye on the site as we’ll be tweeting from stage and hopefully blogging while we’re there.

Please keep all your pics coming in via Flickr, and tag your pics “hopeandsocial” as that’ll show straight up on the site.

It’s Ed’s birthday tomorrow (Wednesday) so please send him your birthday wishes, tweets and love. He’ll be holed up in a van most of the first half of the day, then trudging over the hallowed Worthy Farm fields, but on setting up, a swift Brothers Cider and I think all will be well.

Right, final bits of packing, then an hour or so of sleep and we’re off! If you see this flag, come talk to us. Malcs’ flag will hopefully be getting an airing behind us on stage too. Wish us luck.

Campsite Flag
Campsite Flag
Hope and Social Flag
Hope and Social Flag