Tag / kazoos
Cavendish Arms, Stockwell
Many many thanks to all you lovely people who made it to the Cavendish Arms last night. You were all fantastic, even @dunkr, whose kazoo solo was one of the weirdest to date. Seriously though, the participation in Buzzer Goes, Do What You Must and Looking For Answers was amazing. Thanks to Mr AG for…
October 8, 2009 -
Glasto Roundup – part 1
(Also posted here) Well we played Glastonbury this year and you know what, it wasn’t bad [grin]. We’ve been back to the grindstone at the Crypt since, writing Hope and Social’s second album and 5 songs for Imitating the Dog‘s new Greece/UK project Tales From The Bar Of Lost Souls but, belated as this post…
September 11, 2009 -
Glastonbury Beckons
Well, it’s quarter to 10 on Tuesday night and most of the packing is done, I’m about to embark on a round of pick ups at all the chaps houses and then, in 6 wee hours we’ll be getting up to head to Glastonbury. It’s a lifetime ambition of mine, and for us all. Had…
June 23, 2009 -
Summer Tour
We’re enjoying this tour. It feels really good to have a record out and to play it to people who’ve downloaded the album or have bought it and are singing the lyrics back at us (the lyrics are up on the website now). The reception at the gigs has been unanimously great so thank you…
June 13, 2009