Snowball Week – The Chrimbo Tree

Today is Rich’s Birthday!!!

Yep, it’s my birthday peeps… and I’m blogging for you this cold winter’s morn.

Firstly – Panorama…

Christmas Tree World Panorama by Rich
"Christmas Tree World" - Panorama by Rich

Snowball Week – The Final Day of Prep

(Cont’d from Yesterday’s post about the ace Ho-Ho Hope and Social beer by Leeds Brewery!)

On the 4th of December we held our Snowball, culminating with our big-band show at Hillside.

Ben, Rich, Ed, Si, and Mark P all met up at Leeds Brewery and then while Mark, Simon and Ben went delivering the fine fine Ho Ho Hope and Social, Ben and Rich headed to Costco, then to get our Christmas tree and to pick up our Ho Ho Hope and Social Beermats.

This is Ben and Rich’s story of the day before the Hope and Social Snowball, of our beautiful Hope and Social Christmas Tree and how we got her (sorry, it’s in flash, so if it doesn’t work on your phone, sorry. I’m in the same boat – [sadface]. However you should be able to view the videos from Rich’s Flickr account here).

As you can see from the above video, Ben locked us out of the car so we had to climb in through the back doors. Worse/funnier came later when we got to Ben’s house to pick up more resources… Remember:
If you are going to tie the #hsSnowball Christmas tree to the car roof via the wingmirrors remember to take the childlock off the back-doors.

Brilliant work!

Penultimately, here’s us Unveiling the Hope and Social Snowball Sign…

…now, we’ve a feeling that someone may have sold this on the night but more on this shortly… This was another Rhona and Malcs creation (as was the H&S flag, the H&S clacker made for Come Dine With Us, the beautiful deckchairs, and the beautiful H&S Chrimbo decorations that you may have bought on the night.

Snowball decorations
Snowball decorations

We can accept orders (order here) for these bad-boys to get to you for last Christmas post up until midday tomorrow (that’ll be midday Monday 20th December), so as we’re on a profit share with Malcs and Rhona for this, please do snap ’em up. You’ll be supporting us, and two great Scots people of with an amazing Make Art Have Fun ethic, and they make amazing presents (especially if you couple them with a download as a gift!)

As regards the sign, we may want in back (this may depend entirely on whether we’ve got any money left… and how much you paid), so if it’s you who’s got it… do let us know. Someone (coughs) may have even tried to sell our singular Vuvuzela. We got it back though.

Lastly… here’s a teaser of great videoness courtesy of Lesley Baldock. A Darkness Now is Coming. There may be a bit of brass in this.

So, wish me a happy birthday… It was indeed around 11.20am that I popped into the world… and make it a great birthday by buying up all the H&S Snowball Chrimbo Deccies.

If we don’t speak with you before… have a very very merry Christmas.

Off you pop now! Go and play where you live.


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

Mike Hillier
December 19, 2010 at 12:51 pm

Happy Birthday Rich.

December 19, 2010 at 12:54 pm

Ben: “We need a Dad!”

Oh. My. God. Who’s going to tell him?

Love you guys; I laughed the whole way through reading this blog :-)

December 19, 2010 at 1:10 pm

the snow piling up on Richards back made me laugh so hard I snorted loudly.
audio from the locked in car made me weep.
quote ‘its amazing we get anything done’ but when you DO its AMAZING!

December 19, 2010 at 8:59 pm

please can we join the preparations next time? It looks just as much fun as the events!

December 20, 2010 at 11:13 am

Hehehe – May, consider yourself roped in.

Rhona, thanks. I think Ben and I had the funnest day. Mark, Si, Ed… how was it for you?

2010 – A Review of a busy year – Q4 » Rich Huxley's Home
April 12, 2011 at 6:55 pm

[…] Funbus and Snowball both on 4ths I believe!). There’s plenty more on the prep for those here and here (which are WELL worth a gander), but here’s the lovely Laura Kidd’s video of […]