Cavendish Arms, Stockwell

Many many thanks to all you lovely people who made it to the Cavendish Arms last night. You were all fantastic, even @dunkr, whose kazoo solo was one of the weirdest to date. Seriously though, the participation in Buzzer Goes, Do What You Must and Looking For Answers was amazing.

Thanks to Mr AG for the below video. Please do share it around.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.883013&w=425&h=350&]

We had a little technical issuye at the start of the gig, so apologies for the ramshackle start. All intended to make you feel part of the authentic experience I assure you. Took us a little while to get our footing after that, but I think by the time we got to Looking For Answers we were in.

If you have any pics, vids or audio from the night, please do pop it up online and tag it hopeandsocial and “hope and social”, that way, it’ll show up on our loverly website!

Your picture could be something like this!
Your picture could be something like this!


Loving playing “In Hope” on this tour. Haven’t done so really until now and James’ brass line, which follows the line that Margaret (our friendly pensioner choirgirl) really gives me the spine-tingler. Thanks James, Katie and obviously our Gary on kit for coming down and making the effort again… hankering after another Glasto appearance me thinks. [wink]

Lovely venue the Cavendish. Sneak a peek of us at soundcheck:

Bop Social were great also. Can’t thank you guys enough for coming down. Good show, and lovely to see you (Ed and I recorded the Bop’s EP, and their first ever demo – we have a vested interest). It’s great to see them enjoying themselves these days, and to see them motivated and pushing things forward for themselves. Their set at Wedstock was one of the highlights for me, especially liked being asked by a girl I was dancing next to “Are they famous then…? Coz you know all the words!”

London afterwards proved not quite the 24 hour city it promises to be. Apparently, we needed to head to Soho, not Kings Cross for evening shenanigans. Hell, it didn’t stop us going back to a Travelodge room and drinking two cans of Carlsberg though. Oh no, let it never be said that we can’t start a party from very little party kindling.



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

October 8, 2009 at 7:41 pm

Thanks for a brilliant night at Cavendish.
So sorry London (and Kings X) was a disappointment……. could have offered tea and bickies at mine (!) not far away

Dave Humphries
October 8, 2009 at 10:32 pm

Hi Fellas

Just a note to say how much I enjoyed the Cavendish arms gig. Inspiring! as a amateur (very) musician myself I always love seeing it done properly. Hey I might even get a bag of kazoos for the next gig our average band do in a pub somewhere in the weald of Kent.

Into it since I saw FDH support Embrace at Folkestone. I’m trying to spread the word and I dragged another bloke from work along last night, so he’s downloaded the album. another fan hopefully.

I’ll be along to your next gig daaan saaaff.



October 9, 2009 at 11:38 am

Many thanks peeps. Let us know if we can squeeze a living room gig in around our next London show ( or maybe an office gig? Got an interesting place of work where we can come and play to new people? Please contact us.

MrAG aka MrFizzy
October 9, 2009 at 12:24 pm
– In reply to: thehuxcapacitor

Just to point out that MrAG (YouTube name) and MrFizzy (hope&social user name) are one and the same!

Fizzy and I had a great time at the Cavendish Arms and H&S were superb – I glad that you were there teddy10 – you should have prodded one of us!

Have amended vid tags and more goodies to come :)