Glasto Roundup – Part 2

Friday is 1st gig day and we’re headlining the “Emerging Talent” Queen’s Head stage sessions. 20 minutes of heaven. Sounds amazing on stage and we’re quite overcome. The good weather threatened the pulling in of people to the tent, but immediately we start, the tent fills to around 800. Awesome response and 20 minutes of the best time of my life. We begin Red Red Rose with the brass line from Micheal Jackson’s Thriller and the rest of Friday becomes a blur courtesy of swapping kazoos for Brothers Pear Cider and other drinks.

The full story is here:


Saturday is our big set at the acoustic stage and I can barely contain myself beforehand. There’s pics up flickr which show just how much fun we have, and we’re still awaiting video from Glasto staff and audience members, but nothing can really explain how good 1,500 kazoos sound from that stage. Thank you thank you, you beautiful people.

The rest of the day is dominated by the Bruce Springsteen anticipation and Pete’s “not enjoying himself” claim. Gary drinks so much that he wakes up in the wrong tent, and doesn’t find our amusement funny.

If we never et to do this again, it’d be sad, but we really did it. I’ve just watched the video for the first time, and had a little cry.

Gary, James, Katie, Gaz, Jason, Ed, Si, Merlin and all those who came to see us, thank you thank you. I’ll never forget just how wonderful this was. I hope it never fades in my mind. At least we’ve got the video!



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

October 9, 2009 at 3:38 pm

Thanks for that.I hope Pete’s enjoying himself a little more.See you soon,Jonathan Bass Owner.

Ben Denison
October 9, 2009 at 7:17 pm

Oh man I wish I had been there. What an event. Main stage next year!

Loving the blogs guys! Loving them.


Ben Denison
October 9, 2009 at 7:18 pm

“where you goin?”
“you excited?”
“im tired.”

Ha ha ha haaaaar! Genius!

Andie Thatcher
October 9, 2009 at 9:54 pm

I don’t want to be a teacher anymore!

The Declarations of Independents « Rich Huxley AKA TheHuxCapacitor
November 16, 2009 at 9:44 pm

[…] try to make all shows special, we give out kazoos to the audience for one of our songs brass lines (1,500 kazoos at Glastonbury this year!), we do House Concerts (or as we call them in the north of England, “Living Room […]