Tag / the crypt

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  • “Connect: Resound” – A Live Lesson on Sound

    … from inside your computer!!! This coming Thursday (26th March 2015) from 1:15pm to 2:15pm, schools across the county are tuning in to join Hope and Social (the musical equivalent to the interior designers’ “shabby-chic”) deliver a live lesson in sound and recording via the wondrous interwebz. This is the third event in NYMAZ’s Connect:Resound…

  • Crypt Covers 1: Ellen and The Escapades

    [UPDATE: 23/3/12] Here’s the finished song with video by the awesome Shot by Sodium crew. Robert Palmer – Addicted To Love, with Ellen and The Escapades, suggested by @ScottishPenguin, all completed in one busy busy busy fun fun day! You can also see a load of photos from the Shot by Sodium guys on their…

  • Come Dine With Us – The Team

    We’re very much looking forward to our Come Dine With Us event this month. Only 17 tickets to go as of this morning so book now if you’re coming! Hope and Social figured that we could hold a night for our fans in the studio where we’re recording our album, and ask fans to be…

  • New Album Sessions (19th January 2010)

    As Hux said on the last post – great day down the studio, loads of good ideas and tracks. Knackered by the end but started playing this tune just before we left – proof if proof were needed that all roads lead to Bluegrass… Enjoy. More on Friday… [youtube=] Simon

  • New Album Sessions (18 Jan)

    Very quick blog – too late for much detail. Set up day today – a necessary evil I suppose but good fun. Photo below shows Hux taking a drum around the room to find the best location for the drums. More dirt than you could shake a stick at removed by 3rd hoover in final…