She Shares Seaside Sharabang Seats By The Sea Shore

Buy 2 Get One Free

(N.B. may not actually be what you think)

You know we’re going to the seaside yeah?? OK, we know that these are going to go quickly, we’ve got three #HSFunBus up for grabs.

We’ve deliberated over the fairest way to do this.

Buy Two

This is the easy bit. Stump up some cash, and you’re comin’. Someone can’t make it (aw bless), so, we’ve returned their tickets to the pot. You can get ’em from whence they came… the eventbrite page here.

Get One Free

Y’all remember the fantastic Ellen yeah? She’s twice flown from the US to see H&S tours including our (in)famous Be The Architect crypt gig. Well, she can’t make the Bus Trip, however, as she’s an awesome person, general good egg and generous little blighter, she’s bought one ticket for us to give away to a deserving soul.

“But how do I get it?” I hear you ask… schimples.

– Comment on this blog below telling us why you or someone you know deserve to come on the Hope and Social Fun Bus. If you do twitter, tweet it too with the retweet button at the top of this post. Tag it #HSFunBus and we’ll be able to see all the entries.

– If you prefer to simply tweet it, again, please tag it with “I deserve to go on the #HSFunBus because…) and tell us why (in 140 characters or less… bit of a squeeze.

We’ll accept nominations for people you know and we’ll accept charity donation pledges, guilt, appropriateness, dedication on fan-ness, nudey pictures, offers of instrument donations, proof of the number of people you get to buy/share/download our music and any other good reasons why it should be you/your mate who gets to come and play out.

Let’s start the engines.