The Ideal Christmas Pressie – “Be The Architect”
Be The Architect – Ready for Christmas!

In October 2009, about 100 or so people crammed into Hope and Social’s studio (the crypt of a Church somewhere in deepest darkest Yorkshire) and took part in what became this record. Recorded in front of a live television audience. Imperfect and lovely because of it.
Made possible by people who care ;)
We’re very excited to announce that with Herculean effort, on the part of the band, we’re able to confirm that we’ll have the Be The Architect release ready for Christmas.
There’s have been 4 weeks of working over 85 hour weeks to make this happen and still be able to pay our Chrimbo bills. There have been tears and literally sleepless nights but it’s sounding great (it makes me smile every-time I hear it) and though we lost a few songs and sections to the technical gremlins, it’s a beautiful record of a great night.
The book, the CD and the box all look amazing too… It’s going to be a beautiful artefact.
The Set includes:
Be The Architect live CD recorded on the night
68 minutes of the Hope and Social live crypt show.
80-page Be the Architect hardback book
We asked all who came to the Be The Architect show to help us record the evening. We asked them to write a wish/poem/prayer/hope and submit it to us for inclusion in the Be The Architect box set. The result is an incredible 80 page insight into people’s lives in 2009. It’s a beautiful and inspiring artifact.
Hope and Social début album Architect of This Church
Prayer Song (Bonus Track)
Excerpts of people’s “prayers” will be made into a new work by Hope and Social. This will be included in the download, i.e. not on the physical CD (NB, anyone purchasing this before 1st January 2010 will be sent a link to this track by email)
…all in a beautiful leatherette (yes, leatherette) box with silver H&S logo. Wow.
Also includes:
Immediate download of the 10 track live album recording of the show and
Immediate download of a photo- slideshow, a beautiful visual record of the evening.
The box set including Architect of this Church album, Be the Architect live CD, Be the Architect book and decorative box is now for sale for Christmas delivery. For those of you who weren’t there, sorry, we’re gonna have to make it a little more expensive than it was for our early adopters (those who came to the gig who made this happen and funded the box-set, but then again you should have come to the gig shouldn’t you!
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
I cant wait to hear , see , feel, make love to this when it arrives
So glad I was there and felt part of it
Just hope Kaela apprecites the T shirt for Chrimbo
What about a H&S baby grow , Il buy a few as Im gonna need them very very soon.
Elbow do a lovely ‘newborn’ babygrow you know
Exciting, Exciting, Exciting!!!
[…] Hope & Social guys have been working really hard over the last few weeks to get this live album out. It is the […]
Forget Christmas day, I am more excited about this Xmas goodie popping through my post box.Keep the faith and a very BIG Happy Christmas to everyone sailing along in the Hope and Social ship.
Check out for some H & S stuff, let em’ know that you love them to.
Regards Steve P
Excellent package, excellent, excellent night and a fantastic souvenir, wearing my T-shirt now and listening to Looking For Answers, very special!!
Thanks to all involved for a very special night and memento!!
My good lord. This BTA prayer book really is very moving. I am LOVING The Crypt Song also. Great work all! Bring on H&S 2010!
Huge thanks to Hope and Social who have provided me with some of my life’s most memorable gigs. It was awesome to be in their home, the Crypt with them The night showed how simply brilliant they are as a band and individuals. I’m happy to have a keep sake of the night and one they have worked so hard to produce, despite having done enough already!
I’ll never experience anything like it again, neither will my mum who was with me. Also to mention best friends and Christine. Then there is Chris. We’ve experienced H&S a few times together now and their gigs have made us closer, their sincerity in each song can only make you smile at the one you are next to.
Ed Waring said it’s human beings that make it all worth while and I understand his point now. Nice one fellas and see you soon I hope. Thank you.
The box is absolutely fantastic. A great commemoration of a great night. The prayer book is especially beautiful. Some amusing, some touching and some heartbreaking words held within.
Feel proud to have been a part of it all so many thanks to the H&S boys and all those that helped on the night to make it one to remember.
And if you haven’t bought it yet what are you waiting for???
Lovely, lovely stuff. A fab night, and the box set is a wonderful reminder of it. I second Ben’s words about how moving it is to read through the prayers as a collection – such a great idea. Keep more gems like this one coming guys. Love ya! x
[…] doing physical CD sales. This enabled Hope and Social to release our special edition box-set “Be The Architect” and incorporate it into our bandcamp page where it belongs, with all our other releases. I […]
The best Christmas present ever! But it would make an amazing Birthday, Easter, or even Happy Wednesday present.
If you have ever seopeNope and Social live, you’ll really appreciate this, and it might even make you feel that little bit better about the world! Thanks boys!
This beautiful item arrived on my doorstep on Xmas and if wasnt for the birth of my gorgeous first child it would of mde my xmas. The plus side is that Hope and Social now have a new fan who has listened to nothing else yet! .
Im so glad I was there and was part of something that looks , feels and sounds so special.
Even the cock ups are good !
Im looking forward to helping out again.
All the best guys for 2010.
I love love love this! Ophelia will be all smiles. I cried a little bit reading the prayers, laughed a little bit at the crispy-edged banner, and as always, I’m humbled by the thought and effort that everyone put into what turned out to be a truly amazing artifact.
Cheers to all, and may this and every year be better than the last!