Bar of Lost Souls sessions (Day 5 Friday)
Good day today – brass recording. James Hamilton (who did all the brass parts for architect) has had one song Animals Dine with me for 2 days and has written a full on orchestral brass part for it. More parts than players but we have several runs at it. The sound is just astounding. BD calls in for a look as well as they’re limbering up and is suitably impressed. He’s written a perfect part for the song – 50% circus, 50% Tim Burton with just the right amount of Um-pah band (if that’s how you spell it). Great bunch – James and Katie the usual suspects from gigs past and two new recruits Martin and Rosie. Ends up with about 5 Trumpet parts, 4 Trombone, 2 sax, 3 flute and a flugel horn (again if that’s how you spell it). We didn’t get round to the gloc or the children’s choir.
They have to run at 5:30 so we don’t get round to any more tracks but we do have a ham-fisted stab at Just What I’m Looking For – needs more time though. Could be marvellous.
Ed does rough mixes and we’re out the door and on the way to a party at 6:45. Listen to the tracks at full volume in a car I’ve very luckily “inherited”. Needs some work but not bad for 5 day’s work. The songs will be used in the shows but could certainly be put towards a release or be one in their own right… we’ll see.