JD set and stuff that life throws up…

On the train to Exeter from London now after a great night at the JD set last night. Usual amount of self control means that the tiredness dog is stalking the corridors… Short but thoroughly enjoyable set in a wonderful venue (first time at the Luminaire) and met some interesting/amusing/mental/posh people – thanks to all who took the time to talk to us. Pre-show worries of chaos and bad chords due to 2 months since our last gig were soon washed away. Man I love playing. Also got to talk to David Gedge of The Wedding Present who was a thoroughly pleasent chap – desperately wanted to hear him play Octopussy but alas no (“Do you still live in Leeds?”…”No I moved to LA”…”Fair enough”).

So we finally have a proper gig in London amongst the next set of dates – nice long set, great looking venue… no jumped-up, coked-up promotor asking us to vacate the stage after 3 songs. Playing The Cavendish Arms in Stockwell – it’ll be up on the site soon with a few other dates.

And just found out Sam Riley from 10,000 Things / Control fame is going to be in the new film of On The Road – good on you.

In the hotel bar in Bristol with imitating the dog the other night I randomly bumped into a band from Hamilton which is the small town Four Day Hombre lived in when we toured Canada. Brought it all back. Melissa McClelland and Luke Doucet on Six Shooter Records – I’ve not listened to them yet but I’ve got high hopes…

Over and out…more soon…



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

May 18, 2009 at 7:28 am

You do get to meet some pretty cool people in your job. Glad to hear playing is going well!

I am now following

Hope And Social
May 19, 2009 at 9:10 am
– In reply to: bendenison

Ta La. The Leeds show is looking damn exciting! Come play out.

x – Huxley H&S

May 18, 2009 at 10:08 am

Loved your set at the Luminaire. Was good to chat afterwards too.. Hopefully see you at the Cavendish Arms..


Hope And Social
May 19, 2009 at 9:09 am
– In reply to: Sarah

Glad you’re loving the stuff Sarah! Hope to see you at the Cavendish.

Big blog love.
Huxley H&S

May 20, 2009 at 1:49 pm

Well I certainly wasn’t posh….do I qualify as interesting, amusing or mental?
Really enjoyed the set, will be practising my kazoo for Stockwell. I’ll try not to steal anything/insult attendees/pass out, best behaviour I promise.