JD set and stuff that life throws up…
On the train to Exeter from London now after a great night at the JD set last night. Usual amount of self control means that the tiredness dog is stalking the corridors… Short but thoroughly enjoyable set in a wonderful venue (first time at the Luminaire) and met some interesting/amusing/mental/posh people – thanks to all who took the time to talk to us. Pre-show worries of chaos and bad chords due to 2 months since our last gig were soon washed away. Man I love playing. Also got to talk to David Gedge of The Wedding Present who was a thoroughly pleasent chap – desperately wanted to hear him play Octopussy but alas no (“Do you still live in Leeds?”…”No I moved to LA”…”Fair enough”).
So we finally have a proper gig in London amongst the next set of dates – nice long set, great looking venue… no jumped-up, coked-up promotor asking us to vacate the stage after 3 songs. Playing The Cavendish Arms in Stockwell – it’ll be up on the site soon with a few other dates.
And just found out Sam Riley from 10,000 Things / Control fame is going to be in the new film of On The Road – good on you.
In the hotel bar in Bristol with imitating the dog the other night I randomly bumped into a band from Hamilton which is the small town Four Day Hombre lived in when we toured Canada. Brought it all back. Melissa McClelland and Luke Doucet on Six Shooter Records – I’ve not listened to them yet but I’ve got high hopes…
Over and out…more soon…
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You do get to meet some pretty cool people in your job. Glad to hear playing is going well!
I am now following http://twitter.com/SixShooterR
Ta La. The Leeds show is looking damn exciting! Come play out.
x – Huxley H&S
Loved your set at the Luminaire. Was good to chat afterwards too.. Hopefully see you at the Cavendish Arms..
Glad you’re loving the stuff Sarah! Hope to see you at the Cavendish.
Big blog love.
Huxley H&S
Well I certainly wasn’t posh….do I qualify as interesting, amusing or mental?
Really enjoyed the set, will be practising my kazoo for Stockwell. I’ll try not to steal anything/insult attendees/pass out, best behaviour I promise.