Welcome to Domino Rally!
Here’s all the information you should need for a spiffing day out. Grab your domino, get decorating! Grab a drink and enjoy some music. Sit back, relax, dance.
Any problems then please grab anyone with a blue high-viz jacket and ask them a question.
Here’s what we have in store:
The Big Stage: outdoor stage with bands in the “glorious sunshine”
T’Other Stage: inside the Old Woollen. Solo artists and a film showing from 6pm
Hope N Mic Stage: inside the Barn you’ll find a selection of fabulous open mic artists. It’s beautiful up there.
Behind the Curtain: Inside the Old Woollen Ricardo Ardito will be running domino workshops all day.
Up Top: Along the top wall you’ll find activities a plenty…Domino Decorating, Rube Goldberg machine challenges, Human Dominoes to mention a few…
And if you look hard you might even get to listen to our latest album…