Tour of Infinite Possibility

As part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014, we marched our special brand of heart-on-the-sleeve music and trademark blue jackets around the route of the Grand Départ on a Tour of Infinite Possibility (TIP). Over 200 miles and doing 3 gigs per day we laughed in the face of impossibility and rocked into market squares and sports grounds, taking over village greens and school car parks and making the biggest noise and the biggest party we possibly could.

But this wasn’t just any tour. With drums and voices, hearts and souls we gathered 100’s of new members as we went, forming A Band Anyone Can Join and in June 2014 we played 12 shows in 12 magnificent Yorkshire locations on a cycle-powered stage! We worked with brass bands, singing groups, scout troops, primary schools and more.

We also wrote the Yorkshire Festival anthem, The Big Wide, which was played all through the festival…on a Grand Piano being pulled up a mountain, on instruments made of bikes, by the Black Dyke Band and, of course, by our Band Anyone Can Join. And the cherry on the cake was a performance at Leeds Arena as part of the opening of the Tour de France.

The project was made in collaboration with Grassington Festival and supported by Yorkshire Festival, Arts Council England, Yorkshire Water and the Asda Foundation. A huge thank you to all involved, to everyone who came along and made it happen.