Category / Hope and Social Blog / hssnowball / shows / Winter Warmer
What do you know about…
… Christmas… and Vinyl Christmas comes but once a year. Factually incorrect if you’re Belgian. It comes TWICE a year for our favourite trappist-beer loving, moules & frites pedallin’ chocoholics. We’ve been doing our homework here at H&S Towers and finding out all things culturally Belgian-related; Tin-Tin, Brel, The saxophone, Danny DeVito (Ok… not Danny…
December 9, 2019 -
This is not just any old Christmas show…
This is an H&S Christmas show (at a former M&S… no less)! This Christmas, we’re super-happy to be working with Rich Warburton (Recognise this lovely face? Thought you would!) of Theatre in The Mill to bring a whole bunch of Christmas present wishes to life. What the Frock is H&S’s Secret Santa? Three things. 1)…
November 30, 2018 -
Hope and Social’s Secret Santa
in partnership with “Theatre In The Mill” Christmas is a special time for H&S. We always try and do something that’s special for us, and you… stuff like performing a singalong with 200 people on Leeds Town Hall steps and becoming a big-band, making an acoustic album and performing it as a one off set…
October 22, 2018 -
FEEL Again – Oct 2017 Tour
FEEL Again Well, that was quite a night wasn’t it! All hands on deck, full steam ahead, let’s set sail for obscurity, safe in the knowledge that Hope and Social are at least forty times more strong and stable than the chuffnuts left in charge. In moments of clarity, when you come to the harrowing…
June 9, 2017 -
The Polar Excess: THIS SATURDAY!
(WARNING, CONTAINS SPOILERS. If you’ve already bought your ticket and want the day to be a surprise, then look away now) Ho Ho Ho Holy $h1tballs! … that’s rolled around quick! This coming Saturday the 10th of December is “The Polar Excess”, our Christmas dooo, our end of year bash, our bidding farewell to 2016,…
December 7, 2016 -
FEEL – The Album Tour
Dunno if we’ve mentioned it but this Friday 7th Oct, we’re putting our new album out! Not just any album either. It’s our first since 2013, and we’re putting it out on big fancy crowd-funded blue vinyl too. And as nine beautiful videos… with a worldwide premiere at Leeds’ favourite indie cinema. Plus our usual…
October 5, 2016 -
Album and Single Launch
Three new releases coming your way, courtesy of your ever loyal Hope & Social. It’s nearly here. At long last and after two years of work, our fifth studio album “FEEL” is finished. Done, signed off, gone to print, gone to press… [gulps] complete! So complete in fact, that we have release dates! “Sunrise Laughing”…
September 3, 2016 -
Booking Ace
Double “O” AWESOME – introducing “Agent Leila” We’re super happy to announce that Hope and Social are to be working with the lovely people of Strada Music. Formed in July 2016, and out of the merger of the Adastra & Regent Music agencies, Strada Music work with some fantastic artists across Folk, Roots, World, Jazz…
July 27, 2016 -
Greenbelt – A Band Anyone Can Join
So… you wanna join the band… The summer is fast approaching… or we might have just had it, I can’t decide. Either way, the Hope and Social ‘Summer Festival Tour’ is most definitely upon us and on Monday 29th August we’re going to be donning our Hunter wellies and heading back to see our friends…
July 13, 2016 -
Festivals 2016
I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with heat Bees will buzz, aaaaand so will a worn and unraveled G-string (we’re talking guitars here people, not skimpies). You can expect to find all of the above and us, probably getting gorgeously tanned, at this summers festivals! Already this season we’ve been at York’s “The Ebor…
June 15, 2016 -
The 12 Signs of Christmas in New Yorkshire
Hello Dear Reader & a merry Yule to y’all, We’re writing to you just now to put a bit of a shout out to all those of you who like helping people at this time of year… and when we say people, we mean us! As you may know, we’ve putting on a Christmas event…
December 3, 2015 -
The Fairytale of New Yorkshire
Friday 11th December! GET YOUR TICKETS HERE! Apologies for the radio silence these past couple of weeks, but oh me my, what fun we have planned for our 2015 Christmas Doooo, “The Fairytale of New Yorkshire“… AND for that matter, what fun we’re having planning it! This is not gonna be some standard, badly…
November 20, 2015 -
Big Beautiful Brash BRASS Bash Bonanza
We love a bit of brass in Hope and Social. Other things we love include dancing, being ‘entertaining’, making loud noises and making stuff up on the spot, so when we were asked to work with New York Brass Band at Durham BRASS Festival, we jumped at the opportunity. As usual, we bit off slightly…
October 23, 2015 -
Autumn Tour 2015
I’ll Take a Tango Yessssss indeedy, after a fun-fueled, festival-tastic time over the summer (check out Jo Cox’s ace Underneath The Stars Festival pic over there on the right –, we’ve decided not to pack it all in and do something more important, but to hot-foot it around the UK one last time in…
September 10, 2015 -
July Festivals Preview
After spending the 5 hottest weeks of the year holed up underground in a natural refrigerator, we are poking our moley noses out of the soil, dusting off the blue jackets and donning the factor 50 for 10 shows at festivals this merry month. Sat. 11th July: Kirkstall Festival It all kicks off this Saturday…
July 9, 2015 -
Hope and Social’s Blunder Bus!
Part of the Tour de Yorkshire Festival blunderbuss noun 1. a short large-bored gun, flared at the muzzle so as to scatter shot widely. Literally ‘thunder gun’. 2. an action or way of doing something regarded as lacking in subtlety and precision. Rain coat? Check. Stamina? Check. Vocal Cords? Check. Massive bag of fun-nuts? Check.…
April 10, 2015 -
The 12 Gigs of Christmas – The Lowdown
We can’t afford big tele advertising campaign, but if we could it would go like this. [overly dramatic X-Factor voiceover, massive silver words rush towards screen] “12 GIGS” [big drum] “1 DAY” [cannon fires] “6 IDIOTS!” [fireworks] etc. It’s safe to say we’ve had some stupid ideas as a band. We just get over excited,…
December 8, 2014 -
Just Another Normal Tour!
Well…. as normal as anything gets around here! We can’t do anything without something “weird” happening… Sometimes we replace the word “weird” with “magic” but it all comes out the same in the wash. Well, we bet you were thinking…. “I wonder when Hope and Social are going to do some more of their what…
October 15, 2014 -
Life’s a Beach and then you Party! (Feva Festival 17th August)
Holy crabsticks! We’re all still exhausted from the craziness that was The Tour of Infinite Possibility. What we all need is a holiday. We need a Yorkshire holiday. How’s about we all go to the beach for just one day? In Knaresborough. Wuh? On Sunday the 17th of August in collaboration with Knaresborough’s lovely Feva…
August 7, 2014 -
People Say The Nicest Things
The dust has settled on The Tour Of Infinite Possibility: Weekend #1. As Simon so rightly puts it, it’s been an “incredible, exhilarating and rewarding” project. So much happened over those two days, we played six shows, with hundreds of new band members joining us on stage. All in just under 36 hours. It’s difficult…
June 19, 2014 -
Le Tour. Le Launch.
We are overjoyed to be able to confirm that Hope and Social are set to appear at the Grand Depart Opening Ceremony. We’ll be showcasing some of the very best of our brand new band members who’ve joined us for the Yorkshire Festival project The Tour Of Infinite Possibility, and performing The Big Wide, the…
June 6, 2014 -
We Are “The Band Anyone Can Join”
(Short attention span? Like pictures but not words? Skip straight to the video) There’s nothing more exciting than trying to do the impossible; or at least the seemingly impossible. The stuff that feels like magic is happening, the stuff that feels that, in some small and positive way, it’s had an impact on someone’s life.…
November 26, 2013 -
Our Dancing Day
I bloody love dancing, it’s brilliant, but before I get to that I need to give you some history. Let me set the scene….. The year is 2002. I’m in 6th form. The most important event of the academic calendar is upon us. The school talent show. Me and two of my lesser talented chums…
October 4, 2013 -
All Your Dancing Days
Hello, Howdy, Willkommen! —— The rumours are true, have no doubt. The Hope & Social ‘Show of un-rehearsed Shonk’ is making it’s way to a town near you next month. Why? Why the hell not???! We don’t need no new album to tour crazy fool!! We are hitting the road once again, beginning on the…
September 19, 2013 -
Letter to The Mailing List – June ’13
Good morning campers! Gosh hasn’t nature done itself proud this week? Last week the birds had all but given up on our climate and headed south for warmer days and carefree nights, but come Monday they turned tail at Dover and pushed their way back up the M1 to sing their hearts out and dance…
June 13, 2013 -
A Band Anyone Can Join – For The Players
We’ve already written about our project for the year’s Grassington Festival “A Band Anyone Can Join”. The short version is, the people of Grassington are temporarily joining the ranks of Hope and Social for our headline slot, Saturday 15th of June at Grassington Festival. It’s going to be bloody lovely, and you can get your…
May 21, 2013 -
What the f*ck is Bring the Happy?
Bring the Happy is at the Arc in Stockon on the 1st and 2nd of November 2013, Barnsley Civic Theatre on the 6th and 7th of December and then at Leeds Town Hall on the 16th and 17th of December. Bring the Happy by Hope and Social and Invisible Flock >> “Bring the Happy is…
April 30, 2013 -
It’s Tour time again!!
Hello good people. Yes, it’s that time again, we are mounting our trusty red steed and coming to a town near you (hopefully), and yes….it starts on MONDAY! Amongst everything happening at the moment…a baby coming….me living out of suitcase for 8 months now…..James’ letter to Bruce….we have been a bit preoccupied so forgot to…
April 20, 2013 -
If Hope and Social Had An Office Party…
If Hope and Social had an office Christmas party, what would it look like? Help us decorate the office for our Christmas party and be in with a chance of winning a lifetime supply of Hope and Social paper clips! What makes ’em Hope and Social paper clips you ask? Well, they are blue, and…
December 7, 2012 -
How we roll
Awesome weekend so far! Galtres Festival was lovely as ever. Smiling faces all round. Best sounding stage of the festival season to date. We love Galtres! Amazing people. Great set-up. Highlights include “Olympic Jousting”, the lovely and ace “Hand Made Hands“, the scratch band who closed the night at the Firkin stage, the fantastic food…
August 26, 2012 -
November Tour – We need your help!
Yes that’s right, we of Hope and Social are strapping ourselves in once again for a stint of driving round the country in our trusty red steed! In November we will be hitting the road coming to a town near you (hopefully) and we might be…..just maybe…playing some new songs. We are back in the…
August 13, 2012 -
Festivals 2012
As I mentioned on Monday, 2012 was going to be a quietish year for us; we’re very glad to say that it’s not quite turning out that way. As well as this March’s acoustic tour and plotting for our forthcoming Crypt Cover days, we’ve also been booking in some summer jaunts to festivals old and…
March 14, 2012 -
March Tour Troubadouring
Folk is the new black We’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front recently, though not because we’ve been slacking. As Si recently said to our mailing list subscribers, 2012 was supposed to be a “take it a bit easy” year… though that’s proving to very much not be the case. We’ve been planning……
March 12, 2012 -
The Hope and Social Winter Warmer!
This Hope and Social Christmas gig will take place on the 2nd of December at the amazing Georgian Theatre in Richmond. Tickets are on sale for this event NOW but due to problems beyond our control not online yet… (this is because everything at this venue is made of wood!) If you wish to purchase…
November 11, 2011 -
Viva Sh*t Vegas, Yorkshire
Hello all…a quick word from my trundling Eastcoast mainline train to shed a little light on the upcoming nonsense we’ve got planned for the Brudenell Social Club gig on the 23rd October…a week on Sunday, my goodness doesn’t time fly? It seems like the prospect of an easy-to-organise-turn-up-and-play-take-the-money-and-run show in lovely Leeds was just too…
October 13, 2011 -
Hope and Social Autumn Tour!
It’s that time again…. We’re hitting the road! Come see! Come play out… We’ve got some little crackers in here… We’ve had some amazing gigs this year already and it’s only getting better. And more tired. Much more tired. But we’ll forget the tiredness for somewhere between 45 minutes and 2 hours on each of…
October 10, 2011 -
Bring The Happy
Tonight Hope and Social are at the Northern Ballet, Leeds, with interactive arts trio Invisible Flock. Tonight’s performance of Bring The Happy is the culmination of months of work for the Invisible Flock team. It’s a gorgeous project, and they’re a proper lovely bunch to boot. In autumn 2010, Bring the Happy took over 3…
September 29, 2011 -
Sleep Sound, where you lay
When Malcolm and I were asked to help out with preparations for the #hsgardenparty, we jumped at the chance. We’re both creatives; making and designing for a living, but the Hope and Social projects we have worked on in the past haven’t just produced some of the work we are most proud of; we’ve had…
July 25, 2011 -
Garden Party – Hammock Stage Music
Acoustic music and hanging seating, a match made in heaven… OK, so you’ve heard all about the rather magnificent music line up on the garden party main stage but you know what’s missing? Hammocks, that’s what. Scientific studies have shown that a full day of string bands, swing, dancing, mahoosive choirs and overly-excited Butlins escapees…
July 22, 2011 -
Garden Party – Main Stage Music
We’re All About The Music Rich here. Well, I’m ecstatic to be able to say we’ve just about got everything confirmed up musically for the Garden Party. It’s been really tricky getting this all confirmed but as for the main stage, we’re just about there now. There’s still plenty of music to discover on the…
July 21, 2011 -
Discount Tickets for Galtres Festival
Beer Cider Music Fun Food A strong intro by anyone’s standards. Galtres Festival looks to be one of the highlights of the H&S gigging calendar this summer. We’re on at 6-30 on the Saturday 27th August, just before Chris Helme who is, in turn, just before headliners The Charlatans. So if you fancy joining us…
July 4, 2011 -
Why Kirkstall Festival Is So Great
A H&S set… …Set in The Cloisters Hope and Social are to play the lovely lovely Kirkstall Festival on Saturday 9th of July. We’ll be playing in The Cloisters (pictured above) around 2-30pm… Pretty isn’t it? A bit of background… The other week I caught up with festival stalwart and co-ordinator with Alan Crump to talk…
June 30, 2011 -
Party, Party, Party! Garden Party!
So you may have caught up with this on that there Facebook, or Twitter… but for anyone who doesn’t already know…Hope and Social are bloomin’ chuffed to announce (after much deliberation, a few tears and a nervous breakdown) our next event … … the Hope and Social Garden Party (#hsgardenparty if you’re on twitter) is GO!…
June 28, 2011 -
DeerShed Festival
Hope and Social are soooper excited and privileged to be headlining the Friday night of Deer Shed Festival. A festival by the people, for the people. It’s very much down Hope and Social’s street this one. Real beer, locall, ethically sourced food from independent fooderies, and run by a team of people who are just…
June 21, 2011 -
Our Third Album: Release Date and Launch Tour
As you may have noticed from us lot on twitter, we’ve been slogging away making the third Hope and Social studio album for the past couple of months… and being the kind of band that we are – with no lead-time between album completion and touring it – that means we’re about to release it……
April 26, 2011