The 12 Gigs Of Christmas (Hux’s Birthday)
I’ve no time for dilly dallying these days so first up, here’s the cold hard facts. For those of you with an attention span marginally longer than a springer spaniel puppy, scroll down for some poetic scene setting.
What is this nonsense?
12 gigs
Where you doing it then?
Leeds City Centre
When is it?
19th December 2014…….yes, this year! (it’s Hux’s birthday!)
How can I get tickets?
You can buy tickets for the twelfth and final gig of the day in Holy Trinity Church from the link below. Don’t worry if you’re skint (or Scottish, like Gary), the other 11 gigs will be free to attend and details of when and where will be released soon.
It’s not easy being in Hope and Social. People always want more. You’d think, 12 gigs over four days, on a cycle-powered stage, round the route of the Grand Départ, involving over 1500 musicians (and non-musicians!) culminating in a live televised broadcast to 300 million people around the world would be enough!
Oh no.
“What’s next?” they cried.
“Some sleep!” said we.
Not a band to rest on our laurels we got our thinking caps on, came up with the best pun we could muster and hashed out a plan. Twelve gigs in four days was easy, twelve gigs in ONE day, now that’s a challenge.
Hope and Social’s 12 Gigs of Christmas
12 bespoke pop up gigs around Leeds city centre spreading fun and Christmas cheer to all walks of Leeds through its offices, pubs, train station and hospital, culminating in our very own take on nine lessons and carols at Holy Trinity church.
On 19th December we’re going to busk our way round Leeds, taking in some of the city’s most iconic locations and bringing our own special brand of heart-on-the-sleeve music and trademark blue jackets to the streets. Keep an eye on the blog, facebook and twitter for info on the other 11 gigs throughout the day.
Bah Humbug
We’ve not had much luck with gigs on band members birthdays, the last two saw a sobering end to a relationship and being stuck in a traffic jam on the outskirts of Glastonbury so if nothing else it’s worth turning up to see what disaster befalls Mr Huxley.
12 Gigs of Christmas is supported by Leeds Inspired, part of Leeds City Council.