If Hope and Social Had An Office Party…
If Hope and Social had an office Christmas party, what would it look like?
Help us decorate the office for our Christmas party and be in with a chance of winning a lifetime supply of Hope and Social paper clips!
What makes ’em Hope and Social paper clips you ask? Well, they are blue, and they only just manage to hold things together.
And they could be yours!
Read on for more motivation, and to find out how….
All you need to do is design a Hope and Social Office Motivational Poster, and email it to us.
Worry ye not, we have a tool to help! It’s a lot easier than ring binding, only marginally more difficult than lamination, and will take a lot less time than un-jamming the printer.
Oh, and don’t worry about it being “motivational”, any caption will do!
**UPDATE** Please don’t feel you have to use this tool, if you want to let your creative juices flow, go for it, and design any poster you want! Some crackers have already come in!
Right, you’ve had your induction, now here’s your How To:
1) Click here to load the super easy online Motivational Poster Making tool.
2) Upload a picture, or select one direct from your flickr or facebook account.
3) Add your Title and Text.
4) Click “Create”, “Share”, and “email @” to ben@hopeandsocial.com
Jobs a gudden!
You can find thousands of Hope and Social related pictures on www.flickr.com by clicking this handy link.
(Using the tool you can also select pics from your flickr favorites. This is really handy if you have a flickr account, you can just favourite the pic on flickr, and it’s there and ready to use in the tool.)
Send as many posters as you like, the more the merrier, low res is fine.
May the best poster win. Paper clips. (And maybe a H&S stocking filler or two if you are a good boy or girl between now and then)
Motivation Alert ->YOU CAN DO IT<-Motivation alert!
We will post the posters online after the office party hangover regrets have subsided.
Right, if you got this far you have survived your probationary period, and the job you have been doing all along is now officially yours; interim, same pay, no overtime, and absolutely no carrying your holidays over into next year.
Happy Office Party Season