Brasstonbury – This Weekend!

Like Glastonbury, with less bands, less mud, and in Yorkshire

The Anchormen, With a Twist

Going to Glastonbury this weekend? Nope? Well why not join Hope and Social for a big-band super-galactic extravaganza rivalled only by that there festival in Somerset. We are very privileged to have been asked to perform with The Anchormen ensemble for their annual extravaganza “With a Twist”. We’ve been long time fans of the band and have seen them perform with jazz luminaries such as Bruce Adams to name but one. This will be a night of big-band bad-ass-ness, bravado and bombastic belting out… and it’s only up the road (Brighouse Sports and Social Club). (Click the poster for more info!)

So YEEEEEEEEEEEEES we’re out again playing the Hope and Social swing set and this time it’s with Yorkshire’s favourite Anchormen. We really can’t wait – so much so, that we’re rehearsing tonight. We had such fun at the Snowball…and if you don’t believe us watch this

Big-band Hope and Social Fact: Si played guitar in a swing band when he was 15. He only knew 3 chords so just turned his amp down.

So Craig, Robin and I went down to BBC Leeds last week to talk about the show a little and play a little music. Long story short, I made a jazz faux pas or two, Robin spoke eloquently, and Craig broke Gary’s CD player. A succesful trip all round. It’s still, at time of pressing “publish”, on the iPlayer here if you want a listen.

Robin, Gary and Craig at BBC Leeds

There’s more info on Facebook over here, and if you fancy having your socks rocked off by jazz and your face melted by awesome trumpet high notes, then you can get your tickets by contacting one of the following people:

ASH ANDRE – 07527 396291 –
ROBIN BARRACLOUGH – 07740 909085 –
FRANK WADE – 07894 479626 –

Can’t wait to see you!
Cheeky little audioboo of our rehearsal last night. Sounding damn good for a recording directly from an iPhone. Enjoy!

"Heaven Falls" big-band stylee… #hopeandsocial with the #anchormen. Now V. excited about Saturday (mp3)
(Can’t hear this? Listen on your smartphones/non-flash iPads etc here)


Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

June 23, 2011 at 7:52 pm

When do we get a H&S Big Band album then!? ;)

June 26, 2011 at 5:15 pm

Brasstonbury was briilliant last night! – any plans to release those versions?

June 27, 2011 at 1:35 pm

Hey hey. Thanks for the posts.
We kinda do have some stuff recorded in this format… it’s from the Snowball and it’s got video too!

Not sure quite what we’re doing with it… as it may form part of a larger documentary project.