Be the Architect… and so much more

It’s taken me 2 weeks to finally get to write this blog – the only excuse being the ever-pressing lack of time. I’m looking back now on the night of the 17th October and our Be the Architect gig – a one off special event in the Crypt, the place where we wrote and recorded Architect of this Church. The two year experience of conceiving, writing, recording and releasing that album was a huge part of our lives – in some ways an all-encompassing project. It felt like (in some small personal way) it was a milestone recording for the people involved and it needed a suitable full stop. Saturday 17th, with 100 closest friends and fans was just that.

Thanks must first of all go to those who helped out to make it the night it was – I can’t mention everyone here by name but I would personally like to thank Simon Wiffen, Lynette Hanson and Ben Denison for so much help towards the night – especially seeing as I cried off sick on the Saturday to try and preserve my croaky voice for the night. Legends all of you and I hope all who were there will agree that the Crypt just looked stunning. Lights, photos (great image by Phil Barber of The Sound Gallery below), bar staff (Nyah in particular who worked super hard at the bar, and brownie wise), door staff (thank you Jonathon Rigg) all provided for free by good people who wanted to be there. You just can’t ask more than that.

Update – New Pics gallery video

Hope and Social – The Crypt from Phil Barber on Vimeo.

I don’t fully know how to describe the gig itself. It was… different. Sort of calmer than most gigs. 100 beaming faces looking back at you, singing, screaming, exulting…whilst you’re playing music with your best friends. What more could you want? It’s what we do it for…it’s what we’ve always done it for. From the first chord to the extended run on Sunlight Hold Me, from forgotten chords in Drink the Drink to the all out cathartic roar of San Francisco, from the emergence of the spirit of Rod Stewart to the youngest kazoo solo on record it was made what it was by the people who were there. What a great great experience.

The recording crashed, the voices cracked and the night was over far far too soon. We had so much more planned… but it was something we will never forget. Thank you so much for being involved. May there be many more nights such as this in the years to come. I hope so.




Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

November 5, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Your US followers have the jealousy. Just say’n.

November 6, 2009 at 1:54 pm
– In reply to: Chris

Aw thanks Chris… well, with the help of you, Ellen and Karen in Denver, Refe in Chicago and Twitter… maybe we’ll do a US tour with plenty of living room gigs? Reckon you could hook us up?

November 6, 2009 at 3:34 pm

No doubts, no worries. It’d be a pleasure.

Steve Plunkett
November 14, 2009 at 1:31 am

Lovin u lots guys.keep believein and doing the do=Good fortune comes to those who wait. SP