Bar of Lost Souls Session (Day 3, Wednesday)

Incredibly slow start. If you’re working these sort of hours I always find the third day is when it hits you – after that you can keep going for weeks. Or until you collapse. Trying to work around a song we’ve got a very rough idea for – it’s another 6/8 thing but fairly dark. We go nowhere and just get irritated with each other and the idea. Coffee. Pace around. Get in a mood. Play more piano. Eventually the day is broken up by a visit from the church vicar Simon and the mood lifts somewhat afterwards.

Finally get a structure (again sitting round the piano) but Hux wants to put a random waltz thing in the middle so we have to record it in sections with a different click in the middle. Just getting a piano and a guide vocal down takes until about 7:30. Balls. Try some guitar. Doesn’t work – too electric, too big, too rambling, too, too too too toot. Ed eventually lifts the cloud with a classic Ed Rhodes part – very little chordal, melodic or rhythmic definition but balls the size of melons and somehow right. Adds a huge weight to the songs and we’re sailing. Now the dust can be applied in the form of triangle, samples from previous songs etc. Ed bought a £40 folk goody bag from Hobgoblin in Leeds with one of the worst triangles known to man. Perfect for this though.

Struggle with the lryics and only get the final ones finished by about 1am. Vocals are fast but it’s tricky to mix. Finally leave the Crypt at 3:30am but the song sounds pretty immense.

Totally exhausted and the drive home would be a strain apart from I start wirting the lyrics for tomorrow’s song in my head. I love where I live now and the drive up the hill makes me smile. Bed bed bed.