French Supermarket Music (Wednesday 29th July)

Very brief blog this one – rushing to do a million tasks before going back down the Crypt but if I don’t keep this up it’ll fall by the wayside. Bit of a brown day – spent most of the day on a slightly trite waltz thing which references Guns ‘n’ Roses songs. Bit odd. Me on pump organ, Ed on keys and Rich on a Sponge Bob Square Pants ukelele. Odd. Descended into browness after that with an MOR trudge with little merit. Simon the Reverend from the church turned up to save us from the ensuing mediocrity and gave us a guided tour to the top of the tower. Incredible. Hux recorded the bells chiming (which are made from cannons captured in the Napoleonic wars). Feel very honoured to be there. Talk about doing a gig in the church at Christmas to raise some money for the church roof fund. They need half a million. Would be a lovely event.

Back into the crypt and devote the rest of the day to outputting all the ideas we’ve had so far. Waltz from earlier is actually wonderful – throwaway but honest. We name it “French Supermarket Music”.

All go to mine to meet up with Charlie about future mentoring work with some univeristy students. Discuss everything we’ve done over the last 10 years in the name of the music industry.